Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Still Plan A,hehe!
Still went out for jogging, hehe, no need for plan B or C, gooooood!
Want to mention it agian the rain is the only thing kind to me, why the others are not? ai! Should i be kind to them first?But what should i do ne? Who can help me?
Butterfly Tao Ji Ji
oh no 一次又一次只会用借口逃避
Changes are faster than plans!
It's raining outside, and just getting bigger and bigger, looks no hope today, ha, give it up, what can i do, mate?
Changes are always faster than plans! just face it and accept, don't let it interrupt you, you gonna have plan B! Hoo, anti-terrorist?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Started from one day before Australian Open, finally got the result one day after Australian Open, that's fate!
Roger is special
He is special, really is.换成其余的任何人冈萨雷斯都可以击败,我想,可费德勒他就不行了,非受迫性失误也多了,拍子也快砸了,呵呵,看来和球王还是有距离的。
Sunday, January 28, 2007
100th post!
This is the 100th post in this blog, hehe, feel like it's long time, and just 100 now. most of the posts published after December, hope i can insist in writing the feeling here. en, 100, first celebration on this blog, next time is gonna be 1000, go for it!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I don't care who is gonna win tomorrow, nvm for me, I like both, just enjoy it!
Sometimes it's jsut dangerous for putting your real name on MSN. Not just afraid of supervisor will stand behind you for one minute befor you can realise him, even the another computer you r talking with can trigger a crises. So, no really name on it, got it be changed, then, done.
I really hope the final tomorrow can be great one. Give me a good memory, please! Both players i like so much, is there any reason for missing the match, no, definitely no. Just hate the big Tv is not mine, otherwise i can invite many friends come over and watch together, with beers and much yell, should be very fun.
I will buy big TV first, then new car, then house. From cheapest to most expensive one. That's the right way, cannot have own house with crap car and tiny tv. (really tiny, is'n it?)
You can not say it's a good day today, it rains a while and be sunny a while, but fortunately, most of the rains came after i arrived in Uni. Seems like rain is a good friend to me, they always avoid dropping on me when i am riding against wind. Do they think that is enough for me? i can't endure more? I don't think so, haha!
Gonzalaz did great job last night, just like what i expected. 48 winners with just 3 unforced errors, that's the micrale, just Roger and he can do that in tennis. Maybe i was overexcited, I paid again for my incaution, for the first time ever i slipped down in the bathroom. I got sores and something even worse, I realised one minute later that there were two cuts on my one foot, 4 cm in total in think. What could i do? hehe, just smile, smile, I really don't care at ther moment. there was no sore there, just slowly blood came out between two sides of the cut, i watched a little while, maybe the skins there are really thick, very deep cut, but the blood wasn't so much. i was a bit of disappionted, just rinsed it under tap. After shower, i put band-aid on the wound places, i had thought will use lots, and found two just enough, hehe, not bad.
this can be simple first aid i reckon, after that i walked like a gimp, made me thought of a figure in GuNong's novel, haha, i need a knife in my hand! i didn't think this can make me be bloody lame, so i tried to forget the hurt and walked just like normal, hehe ,really feel wired there, not still no sore at all. i when i lying in bed, i did not feel my pulse there, i had this kind of experience, you can feel the pulse from there, you can feel alternant tight and loose there with the jump of your heart, you can count your pulse. But it did not happen this time, so it is really not serious this time, thanks for thick skins there, yahoo!
I am not the person has many dreams during sleep, but i did last nigth. remember last dream was at that special night, I couldn;t go to sleep at first, there were the sound of 'Peng' just kept echoing in my brain. I didnlt know when i went to sleep, but i am pretty sure that wasn't deep, too many dreams that night. my body could have rest, but my brain couldn't, poor organ, can not stop working even has the permission from me. but anyway, the dreams were not nightmare, and the only one i can remember is a friend bought a house in Belmont, really exciting thing,hahah!
come back to last night, i dreamd one elder cousin. I spoke to her, but she just turned to me and asked,'Do you think you still remember me?' I was really shocked!! ye, i admit that i haven;t called them for long long, everytime just call parents, always be lazy or busy and did not give them calls, feel shameful! Try to call them today! en, just today!
Friday, January 26, 2007
原来今天是澳洲的national day,怪不得大家结伴去吃饭看焰火!我不是刚刚一个人跑去墨尔本看了元旦的焰火?回想起那时的想法,好像有些滑稽了。
Finally found it is australian national day today, haha! That's the reason people go out for dinner and watch fire works for celebration. Have no any tiny feeling to go out for anything, but anyway, still need to go to Melbourne once. I made my promise to my cosmetics for best friend's gf, I will keep my words.
Didn't I just go to Melbourne myself to watch New Year activities? Recall what i thought that time, seems a bit funny.
“今天是我最后一次在这里留言,本想在这里寻找一份远离尘世的宁静与悠然,到最后还 是逃脱不了现实的冲刷,原来,我们并不能掌握自己的命运,曾几何时,我们无数的mopper庆幸,终于有人有胆量和文采在猫扑上挑战,使我们可以看到一个 完整的作品,没想到和现实一样,又是一个没有结局的结局,夜深了,各位朋友是不是还在等,现实一点吧,明天可能还要上班,还要照顾家人,早点休息吧。我们 不要怪棍棍,如果我们中的任何人和他换一下,我们会怎么做。现实就是这样。。。88了我的蓝牙story。。。。。。。”
不 知道无衣看到这些会有什么想法,哎!我真的是不愿意看到这样的结局,他食言了,可我们能够指责他什么吗?他的作品中有他太多的心血,他有权怎么处理,他唯 一的不应该是他不应该那么早早的说自己不会太监,可结果呢?他不还是太监了,他能保守承诺吗?不能的话就不要给任何承诺给别人,伤害了别人也丢掉了自己。 看来很多道理不止适用于生活中的一个方面的。
与 其像有些人说的无衣是利用大家的感情在实现自己的目的,我宁愿相信他是真的用心在写,真的是曾经坚信自己不会太监的,只是在现实的重压下没有让自己直起腰 来。能看见自己的作品出版发表,对一个像他一样有这么高文学早已的,是一件多么期盼的事情!相信他也是倍受煎熬,他知道驴子的下场(我不太清楚,驴子好像 很不厚道的样子),他知道他面临的是什么,既然他不能自己一个承受不能发表失望,那就承受所有人对他食言的失望吧,生活就是不断的选择!
说 实话,我确实是很失望的,像所有人说的,我们希望的是宁静和悠然,是理想的境界,故事给了我们无尽的遐想,让我们暂时忘却了现实的烦恼。我想很多朋友也是 在工作学习之余得到了许多的轻松和平静。对于我来说,这篇文章和今年的澳网一样将留给我深刻的记忆,是他们伴随着我度过这段不算顺利的日子,现在故事没有 结局了,澳网明天也结束了,那我呢?
幸 福的定义是自己来决定的,是的,我从来都是觉得自己幸福的,为什么不幸福呢?可我们是渺小的,一点点地事情就能改变人生,我不可能时时刻刻都是开心的。无 衣是幸福的,他可以写出那么优美的文字,可是他现在开心吗?他失去了许许多多曾经支持他的网友。像我们这样每天跟踪帖子的人也是幸福的,可以读那么好的文 字,那么好的故事,可是现在我们还会开心着看吗?漂亮和美丽是两回事,开心与幸福同样也是两回事!
昨天晚上12点 出去找电话亭打电话,一个人在路上走着,无意间抬头一看,呀,漫天的星星!天空无比的洁净,黑的那样纯洁,然后无数的星星悬在那里,都是那么的闪亮,好像 不象以前国内看到的那般朦胧,星星们都聚集在一起,排成一长条带子,我想那就是传说中的银河了吧!外国不但月亮圆,星星也亮一些罗!
感 觉好久都没有看星星了,记得小时候夏天大家一起在院子里乘凉,能看见很多癞蛤蟆,能抓很多萤火虫放在瓶子里,我躺在凉席上,爸爸妈妈坐在身边为我赶蚊子, 我就在那里傻傻地看着天空,看着星星,看着月亮,时刻期盼着流星的出现。那时的我还不知道出现流星时应该许愿,只是兴奋地蹦起来叫一声:“流星”,然后被 妈妈按回去趟着;等到我后来想许愿的时候,已经在也找不到流星了。为什么很多东西在得不到的时候才记得自己曾经拥有很多?我想那样的日子再也不会再有了, 那种记忆是美好的,不知道我能不能给我的孩子那种回忆?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
现在如果晚上1点睡觉第二天肯定要9点起来,而那时可以6点,中午会休息一会可能是一个原因,而更重要的应该是精神吧。 那时和几个兄弟一起,互相鼓励,互相督促,生活中有无限的乐趣。不象现在,一个人时常会觉得孤独,毕竟有好朋友也不在同一屋檐下,也是想写出来的一个原因 吧。没事,生活还要继续,战斗不能停止,回去好好找兄弟们喝一顿!
5、我不懂外文,但我爱看外文杂志。 --一位杂志社的美编这样解释读图时代的另类阅读。
7、帅,只有一个字,却跟了我一生一世 。
11、英语学习就像刷牙一样,最重要的不是牙膏牙刷,而是要不断坚持,还要天天张嘴。 --托福考了630分的清华大学厨师张立勇谈自己学习英文的体会。
12、我的小学,中学,大学,现在都不是我上学时的名称,搞得我写简历很麻烦,要加上长长的注解。 --一网友对时下热烈的大学改名风深表不满。
14、在能够改变男人的东西中,酒最厉害,其次是女人,然后是权力,最后才是真理。 --张欣小说《深喉》里的一句话。
15、机会就像一扇迅速旋转的转门,当那个空档转到你面前时,你必须迅速挤进去。 --陈天桥谈盛大成功经营网络游戏的秘诀。
16、有出息的人付给银行利息,没出息的人才眼巴巴地坐等着收银行利息。 --女作家李碧华说。她还说过,她最喜欢的读物是银行存折。
终于学会Carbon Coating了!
今天看到关于考研的帖子了,哎!有多少人每年为着这个美丽而虚无、泡沫般的目标而奋斗着。每个过来人都会痛骂考研,说考研没用,可让他们再次选择的话,我 想他们大多还是会走同样的路吧,毕竟是一种经历,起始的目标可能偏移了,可获得是不能掩盖的。其实每一种选择都是值得尊重的,你都为着这个或者那个目标而 奋斗过,体会到的都是人生。结果.......,呵,不知道,说结果不重要肯定是假的,每个人都有每个人的说法。 根据蝴蝶效应来说,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
U2 is still favourite!
从刚开始听到就喜欢上U2的歌,或许他们苍哑的声音比较合我的口味,抑或是觉得没有喜欢的音乐是一种可耻吧。能叫出名字的就那么几首,歌词更不知道,可一 听就能知道是他们的歌,感觉特别的熟悉,仿佛有着无法倾诉的情感在心中聚集,越发沉重而又越发深陷其中,这也许就是音乐的魅力吧!就像写作一样,没有感情 在音乐里面就不能打动人,没有感情在歌里面也不会唱好歌的。
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
中文: 人们不再像以前那样诚实了。偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候都更强烈 -- 特 别是在大的商店里。一名侦探最近注意上了一位穿着讲究的妇女,她总是在星期一上午进入一家大商场。有一个星期一,当这位妇女走进这家商场时,里面的人比往 常少,因此,侦探比较容易监视她。这位妇女先是买了几样小商品。过了一会儿,她又选了商场里最昂贵的一件衣服,把它递给了售货员。那售货员以最快的速度为 她包好了衣服。然后,那妇女拿过包就走出了商场,根本没有付钱。她被逮捕后。侦探发现原来那售货员是她的女儿。那姑娘每星期“送”她母亲一件免费的衣服!
People are not as honest as they were. The temptation of steeling is much stronger than ever before - especially in some big shops. A detective recently found a lady with decent clothes, she always goes to a store in Monday morning. On one Monday, when this lady entered this store, there were less people there, so the detective could spy her easily. This lady bought several small products firstly, and after a while, she picked one of the most expensive cloths in the store and gave it to a seller. The seller packed the cloth as quick as she could, the lady just took it and walked out of the store, she did not pay anything. After she was arrested, the detective found that the seller was just her daughter. That girl sent her mother a free cloth every week.
People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before---especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in. So it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl ‘gave’ her mother a free dress once a week!
很多词不会用,动词,介词。 要命的是还不会复合句,出来的都是单句,哎!sick of myself!
今天就是典型的墨尔本天气了,狂风大作5分钟,然后艳阳高照5分钟,还好我来的路上老天还算照顾,直到离GTP几步路的时候才有大雨,淋在身上也不觉得有 什么,反正不会感冒,这里不象国内,生活完全是不一样的。 感觉今天运气还不错呢,阴天应该就过去了吧,其实这种感觉昨天晚上看比赛时就感觉到了,本来早想去睡觉了,可想去证实一下的念头让我坚持到了休伊特的出 局,很抱歉,身在澳洲而没有去支持澳洲的唯一希望,没办法,澳洲人也只是因为他是澳洲的而支持他,并不是打心底希望他。 看到冈萨雷斯最后胜利后的喜悦,他握拳的坚定,我感觉就像是自己的胜利一样,我的支持贯穿整个比赛,他自己一个人战胜了他的对手,裁判,和全场叫嚣的观 众,那种胜利后的自信和激情是难以言表的,我以为他会怒吼,可是他没有,他有着大家风范的平静,我想我肯定做不到,一个人战胜全世界,我想如果是我会吼上 一分钟的。
不管怎么样,最后全场的掌声还是给了他,就像一周前的小克,看来只要你坚持,没有什么你战胜不了的。也许这样的环境才更激发人,你没有包袱,不会紧张,每 一个球都可以振奋自己,不象休伊特,关在第一局就有3次双误,可见多么紧张!如果他能早点发挥后来的水平,估计比赛还可以延续,结果也不得而知了。
刚刚过来一看,小说连载有点失望,可发现赛场上的好消息可真是不少,没想到Mauresmo 被一个奖金总共才拿过30几万的小姑娘 Safarova给菜了!估计郁闷死了,我倒是挺开心的。(好像有点不厚道啊!) 然后再看标题是 李娜横扫萨芬娜,乖乖对No. 1的猛女用横扫,好像挺为中国人解气的。不过两个6:2也确实证明了李娜的实力。中国人可以进大满贯的单打16强了,前无古人啊,连澳洲都30年没有拿澳 网男单冠军了,不知道上一次是不是沃德拿的,不然也不会有这个中央球场吧!可惜这次澳洲单打全军覆没了,可见在家门口作战也不好,看他们那个紧张啊,明显 能看出来!
好消息还不只这些,纳班,我喜欢的纳班也绝地大反击了。 纳班在第三盘局分4-5、小分以0-40落后时惊险挽救了对手3个赛点之后,大翻盘淘汰了法国名将格罗斯让, 真实大快人心啊,可惜没有亲眼目睹这场比赛。
Saturday, January 20, 2007
After publishing last blog, I found I just finished half of it. I am just very sad for Safin, but haven't thougth about myself. You know, he will be 27 soon, and so will I. He has a Australian Open Trophy, and was runner-up twice, he won Ameriacn Open once and also the champion of China Open in 2004. What have I done in my whole life? Sometimes I am also wondering whether I am old. Don't know the result. writing blog, joggint outside can not be the symbol I am still young.
From the testing result last, my psychological age is 32.But today's result from another website was 23. I am confused so much, maybe I just change so much.
No idea, but whatever, I still haven't got anything I can be proud of even I am just 23.
(Just wrote a letter to Safin through his official website, not sure whether he can read it, but doesn't matter, still support him no matter if he knows or not)
Got much in my brain, but can not get them out and write them down, all right, that's all.
Safin said he was not young any longer! What about me? I am at the same age as he, he has grand slam, and I have done nothing!
Even Marat Safin could admit he is old now, he will be 27 next week, and his trip in Australian Open has been finished from that terrible tie-break with Andy last night .
He said he had strated to think about things during the matches. When he was yonug, he didn't think about anything in the matches, and now, when he is no more young, it's hard for him to play.
Just two years ago, this Russin idol tennis telent said the reason for Fedrre can win so meny titles is he wasn't on the court. What about today's Safin? He knows he is far away from defending champion. He just wants to go back Top 20. He needs five sets to win any rivals, even with the ranking out of 200, and the reason he can win is bacause the opponents are too young, he won from his old experience. How disappointing it is! When he plays with the player have same experience, he will definitely lose the match and bacome a tragical character.
The point for me is not he lost the game, the point is he acknowledges he can not win the game, he just can not! What can I say? This is terrible for a person like him. He was so powerful, energetic, aggressive, confident, excitable, attractive on the court. When just this man knows he is old now, how does he feel? I dare not to think about it.
Life is crucial! No matter for players or for ordinary people. Sometimes you just can not control it, can not do thing in the way you want to.
(Q. How close are you to being back at the level you were two years ago?
MARAT SAFIN: Very far (laughter). Unfortunately very far. Because the problem is that I had a very difficult career because I've been injured every second year. So whenever I was playing good, I was getting injured. To come back, the guys are already moving on and improving the game. And Federer is so far away that nobody is going to catch him maybe in 20 years. And Roddick is improving. And Nadal -- I never played against Nadal because I was getting injured and never getting close to him.
The fact of coming back, it's very important to try to come back quickly and try to catch up with other guys. But it takes much longer time, and of course you have to be much stronger mentally, improving, working twice hard as the other guys.)
Read this, I feel anybody can be insignificant even you have already had something big. You are not god, you have no right to choice anything, your are just gonna accept it. (Roger is a exception, he is the God in Tennis) You were once big, doesn't mean you can always be big, He wants you to be small, you WILL be small, there are no any other options.
That kind of thing happens on everybody. Once you feel confident, you think you can struggle
for yourself, but you are stroked once after once, then you just eventually lose your confident and can feel your are old at any age. Safin said he feel the umpire was pathetic, but for me, he was a little bit pathetic. Don't know, maybe he doesn't feel like that, but I believe there were many people felt sad for him. We will support him forever.
During the match last, Trinity asked me which one I liked better between Roddick and Safin. At that moment, I still had the thinking he can survive in that match, I said I wish Safin can win and play with Federer. And just several minters after that, I had bad feeling in my head. The situation just changed to be worse for him, and from that I can imagin the rsult. I feel very very very sorry! From the beginning of this Open, in some close matches, anyone I wished to win just lost the game. Bagdadis did, Hewett survived when I did wish he win, and this time was Safin.
Maybe I thought too much about it, just hope it is not my bad luck from last Sunday ruined the matches. sometimes it's just so strange, during the matches in Medibank International before Australian Open, it's totally different, I wished Moyar can win and he did. I really don't know. Let me do a last test, it's Li Na's match tonight or maybe tomorrow. I do wish she can win the match and go through to the forth round. If she wins the match then everything is Ok, but if she loses, I think I need to wish the people I don't like. But how can I do that?
This the second Australian Open I experienced, and this is the unforgetable one. first week has gone, hope the rest matched can be more exciting, no many bad calls to interrupt playhers.
I think I will watch the matches next year!
Friday, January 19, 2007
昨天还是把车气打好了,再不行就真的搞笑了, 居然跑了两家加油站都不能打气, 也算是闻所未闻吧!
老丘说政治上没有永远的敌人也没有永远的朋友. 我篡改一下成生活中没有永远的烦恼,也没有永远的快乐! ...........写完想想又觉得不怎么对,搞不懂,精炼一句话看来是不简单的,看看小说的结局了,看看他们的烦恼有没有结束,我想总不能永远继续下去吧!
生魂涅归黄泉地府莫贪恋,死魄磐留红尘天阕待出行。 ------本来不想记这么两句的,怕别人有什么想法,呵呵,这两句话和我现在无关,我只是记下而已,发现很多东西当时不记下后来就忘记了,特别是记得一点点而又怎么也找不到时,感觉想敲破自己的脑袋。
Thursday, January 18, 2007
这 么一堆破事加起来就是我现在的生活了,感觉就像是自己漂浮在空中,被一根丝拉着, 不至于漂向无穷的宇宙,可自己距离丝的那一头却很远很远,丝有着无限的长度,而我只能不停地拉着这根丝,直到拉完才能掌握自己的方向,不知道这根烦人的细 丝拉到什么时候拉完,或者就拉断了。
只希望是 : 山穷水尽疑无路 柳暗花明又一村。
再找一句鼓励一下自己, "天生我才必有用,千斤散尽还复来",不过我这里是千刀,哈哈!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
今天早上听到萨芬还是输了,还是继续砸着拍子,似乎脾气一点也没有改。这和扬科维奇那天是同出一辙,不能控制自己怎么能控制比赛呢?我更加相信网球是费得 勒和纳班的天下,面无表情的比赛,只在给自己打气加油的时候表现出自己的信心。失误时不能叹息,愤慨,无奈,更不能砸拍子,这都是不能控制而发泄的表现。 看得出哪里都是生活的一个缩影,面对人生的低潮,就像比赛的落后,清醒,思考,努力,然后你依然能够赢得比赛,依然能够拥有自信的生活。
好了,上面的应该不算什么乐趣,说说今天发现的巧合吧。 早上过过居然又看到6个月前看到的晨练的人,真的是让我很欣喜得和他们打招呼,生活又回到从前又能怎么样?我还不是可以好好继续下去!走着走着,忽然发现 两个14号的雷同,天啊!真的是在戏弄我,没有比这更让我无奈的发现了。
其实我自己很乱,没有心思看别人,所以大致翻了一下,发现快3年了,居然也是没有什么留言在上面,随处可见0 comments,和我的blog有太多相似,不过不知是不愿让人看见还是和我一样没有人看得见,呵呵!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Kim Clijsters VS Jelena Jankovic (昨天晚上的心情)
10:30 没有原因的感到一点孤单,也许是看到克里斯蒂尔斯因为爱情的原因而那么不受澳洲观众的欢迎吧,同情弱者的心理使得感受良多,要是我处在她的情况下我会发挥 好还是坏呢?能否控制自己的情绪而用行动封住别人的嘴,也许只有身处其中才能够知晓吧。抑或这就是我,每个人都有自己不同的两面,一面乐观,一面悲观,两 面不同交替就构成了一个人的生活。不过细致的观察绝对可以改变两方面在生活的比率,能让自己快乐和消沉的其实都是生活中的小事,都不会影响人生的轨迹,所 以,决定权在自己手里。戴着近视眼镜去看生活中的不开心,模模糊糊,不见不烦,而对生活中的感动和开心则要用放大镜去看,这样的生活就会充满乐趣,永远快 乐。
12:30 又是一个意想不到的结局,克里斯蒂尔斯历经了痛苦时刻,挽救赛点,最后终于还是拿下比赛了。看见她赛后的笑才是真正的笑容,不由让人想起一句老话:谁笑到 最后,谁笑得最美!那时的她也确实是最美最幸福的。扬科维奇在比赛中也笑了,笑了好多次,那是她还是领先的,她如此放松,自己失误时也可以笑出来。可当克 里斯蒂尔斯挽救了赛点把比赛拉到抢七后她再也笑不出了,少见的连续两个双误,因为对裁判判罚不满而失去耐心,在自己失误后的极度懊恼和失望,这些都注定了 她还不能成为领袖级的人物。比赛中不能让情绪影响自己,看她表情的变化就可以知道她的心理状态,这是不可取的。象费得勒和纳班,都是自始至终一个表情比 赛,他们有着常人没有的心理素质,可正是在取胜是不自满才能在落后时不急躁,这些都是相辅相成的。生活和比赛也是一样的,如果带有情绪的话肯定就会做出不 理智的决定,输掉的可能是整个人生了。
今天的克里斯蒂尔斯让我觉得她是和费得勒一样的人物,要是今年退役可就真的可惜了,毕竟23岁 正是辉煌的年龄。直到她挽救赛点以前我想观众还是偏向她对手的,对她发球时的干扰可谓有些丢澳洲球场的脸。可是她呢?没有发火,没有质问裁判,没有发泄, 没有摔拍子,甚至没有任何的表情变化,只是按照自己的来打,对手打出好球也是一样的拍手称赞,可谓是荣辱不惊!正当所有的人认为比赛要结束的时候,她凭着 她的技术,她的自信,她的毅力,终于挽救了赛点。这时候是她的坚强和自信为她赢回了全场的观众,还有更多的澳洲球迷,与此同时扬科维奇的自暴自弃和心急气 躁让她的支持者失望至极,毕竟最终让大家支持的总是只有真正的强者。
Friday, January 12, 2007
First time in my life I feel I need to lose my weight, more exercises! routine meals!
Jesus Chris! I have incredibly much fat on my tummy. That’s impossible for me when I was in
Thursday, January 11, 2007
In-depth look at the problem facing senior managers
Share a common handicap (barrier)
Have little in common
Article at a glance
At first sight
Are quite different from each other
Massive banking sector
Excessive government intervention that distorts the allocation of capital and thus dampens growth
Increase GDP by up to $321billion a year
Reducing government involvement and increasing its responsiveness to the market are the keys to progress
Appear to
By far
Era of British rule
State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
A comparison of the two systems highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each and sheds light on the specific paths to reform that these economic powerhouses must take if they are to achieve their full potential.
Meets the needs of savers
Occur outside the formal financial system
Account for
The fortunes of china’s financial system thus hinge largely on the health of the banking sector, which is dominated by four commercial banks.
Feature a modest-sized banking sector
Over the past decade
Advantage over
Comparative strength
Until very recently
Nonperforming loans
By contrast
Local-currency deposite
Above-market rate
Return on
In the long run
Steve Jobs announced the release of a new Apple product: IPhone. After Macbook, iTune, iPod, it’s IPhone this time and will be Apple TV in the future. What an amazing company! They have endless imagination and know so much about fashion, they are just he pioneers in the IT market.
They can always have correct thinking about market earlier than the other rivals. This is the core culture in Apple, I think. There is nothing can not be realized, there are something we can not think about! Everybody can learn from this, think about it and do for it! Maybe that’s the half way of success.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
P-plate passenger limits recommended (Google News Australia)
YOUNG drivers would face passenger limits under recommendations from a NSW government advisory panel.
The panel, set up by the State Government to look at ways to reduce the number of accidents involving novice (New) drivers, today finalized the recommendations it will give to Roads Minister Eric Roozendaal.
The recommendations include the ban on carrying more than one passenger late at night (but how late, is there any specific time?), although there will be some exemptions (why there should be any exemption?).
The panel ruled out imposing curfews on P-plate drivers but has recommended that first year P-plate drivers lose their licenses if they are caught speeding. (Maybe this is too strict; I think at least one chance should be given before the license will be lost.)
The panel also recommended that parents of young drivers be given more education and backed a plan by the Government to ban first year P-plate drivers from using hands-free mobile phones. (The people around you are definitely very important to your behavior. People from the same area have many similar characteristics, like accent, hobby, appearance, and so on. And the family environment is even more crucial to a person, especially a child. News I heard last night is about some horrible young alcoholic, they can’t control themselves after drinking alcohols. They become to be desperate, violent and very dangerous, they can commit many criminals just for getting the alcohols. The reason there are many very young alcoholics is their parents let them contact the alcohol at very early age. They have very weak self-control capability at that age like 10. Alcohol for young children just likes drugs; once you taste it, it’s very easy for you to be addicted to it.)
Soames Job, the Roads and Traffic Authority's representative on the panel, said the night passenger restrictions were introduced because research found young drivers were more likely to have accidents if they were carrying several peers. (ye, it’s right, if you just keep talking with your friends and frequently move your sightlines from the road in front, you are easily to lose your concentration and the response time for any emergency.)
"P-plate drivers are more likely to have serious crashes when they have a number of passengers on board," Mr Job said.
Mr Roozendaal has promised to respond to the panel's recommendations within a week.
Monday, January 08, 2007
two english setencs:
巴茨认为自己并没有根据个人喜好来 决策.
Ms. Bartz felt she wasn't playing favorites
Even good bosses, she concedes, can find it hard 'to walk in others' shoes.
Great AC Milan!

AC Milan is always the greatest football team in the world, I don't want to say soccer, it's football. The contries say football as soccer don't have best football, like Ausralia and America.
It's Berlusconi Cup this time, not a big deal compared with Itlian league and champion league, but it is still a trophy, anyway.
They beat Old Lady Juventus 3-2 before lifting the trophy. But KaKa and 吉拉迪洛 didn't get any goal, that's a shame.
Liking AC Milan from the beginning I got to know football. I still can clearly remember I watched a football match sitting on my father's legs, we didn't know anything about football, we could not name any players in both teams. But there were many goals in that game, my father held me in this hands and I just jumped up and down, the happy can last as long as my life. And what's more, I heard a great name: Van Basten, the name I will admire for ever.
Like AC Milan because so many great names you can find in his history, because the red and black colur and also because the song of we are the champion. Every time watching the excellent goals from AC Milan, I can't help being excited.
AC Milan, a great and never faded name!
New way to do more english writing!
From the blog: One Man Bandwidth, I found a new way to do more english writing. That's just to translate or revise news. It's easy to find the topic I am insterested in and can remember many new words from the english news.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
澳大利亚的护肤及化妆品 (转贴)
芸芸化妆品牌中,有四个牌子比较出众: Jurlique、Aesop、Arnaud 和 Bloom。
Jurlique 源于南澳大利亚阿得莱德山优美的郊外,以质优可靠的天然成份闻名,其中很多材料都是在厂房附近的土地栽培出来。面积六千平方米的草本 植物园,是公认为有机和生物动力的种植园,供应 Jurlique 产品生产所需的 85% 草本植物。Jurlique 的产品概念主张是利用草本药 物、香熏疗法和同类治疗的疗效,涵盖全面皮肤护理,包括面部、身体和头发,以至沐浴及婴儿用品、香熏疗法和化妆品。Jurlique 的概念商店遍布澳大 利亚主要城市,亦可以在全国 Myer Grace Bros 和 David Jones 百货公司、信誉可靠的药房和指定美容院购买。
Jurlique 的概念商店提供二十种面部和身体护理产品,包括抗压面膜、香熏治疗身体按摩、足部护理和消脂纤体。位于墨尔本柯摩中心 (Como Centre) 内的 Jurlique Wellness Spa(另有一所设于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大),设有水疗设施、蒸汽浴、水流按摩 浴池、花瓣浴和漂浮护理等设施,提供全面的护理服务,如舒适豪华的全身游人护理 (Travel Treatment) ,让旅程中疲乏的身体得到滋润放 松。详情请浏览Jurlique的网页:
世界各地的大型百货公 司,都有出售 Aesop 产品,如美国各地的 Barneys,伦敦的 Space NK,香港的 Joyce 和吉隆坡 Eclipse。 Aesop 本部设于墨尔本,并于 2003 年在当地开设首间独立专门店。Aesop 一直领导护肤潮流,多本国际顶尖时尚杂志一致推介,如 Wallpaper、Bazaar、ID 和 The Style等。
Aesop 的卓越产品包括逾三十款的皮肤、头发和身体护肤产品,强 调采用天然植物成份,将人造防腐剂减至最少。鲜明独特的黑色玻璃包装,有助保持产品的新鲜和稳定性。Aesop 有适合各种不同皮肤、发质和身体状况的产 品系列,还有轻便的护肤品,如香熏身体润肤膏(Rejuvenating Aromatherapy Body Balm)和针对常飞行人士的生姜舒缓膏 (Ginger Flight Therapy),还有最近推出的环境保护液(Environmental Protection Fluid);今年更 会推出油性皮肤产品试用装。
在澳大利亚购买 Aesop产品,价钱比全球任何地方约便宜四成。在澳大利亚各地的主要David Jones 百货 公司都可找到 Aesop,有兴趣的话不妨浏览网页
引人注目的 Arnaud 产品系列包括沐浴和身体护理产品,以源自全球各地的植物和精华油作为号召。年纪轻轻的 Casey Arnaud 是个来自 邦代海滩的可人儿,她是Arnaud 创办人,曾在大型化妆品公司工作,接受过香熏疗法和按摩训练。Casey 将她的哲学“简单就是美”,表达于 Arnaud 产品之中。
Arnaud 产品使用全球最优质的成份,包括六条产品线:秘鲁系列(以秘鲁香膏和紫檀木为主)、澳大利亚系列 (使用赤素馨花、野莱姆和西柚)、巴西系列(以云呢拿和橘子为主要成份)、摩洛哥系列(使人精神为之一振的玫瑰香气)、德国系列(缓和情绪的德国甘菊和熏 衣草)和法国系列(茉莉花和柑橘)。此外,还有以创办人伙伴的名字 Flynn 为代号的东方系列,是一系列专为男士而设的舒缓护理产品。Arnaud 产品在各大 David Jones 百货公司和指定礼品店有售。Arnaud 网页:
Bloom 深受各界名人的宠爱,如歌星 Kylie Minogue、Natalie Imbruglia、Elle McPherson、 Jade Jagger、Olivia Newton-John,还有经常见报的名模如 Linda Evangelista,连英国两位公主 Eugenie 和 Beatrice 也曾表示对 Bloom 的化妆品、护肤品和美容产品爱不释手。
Bloom 由年轻的 Natalie Bloom 创办,她原本从事平面设计,其才华表现于 Bloom 俏皮可爱的包装。Natalie Bloom 获?\无数,包括 Cleo 杂志的 1999 年度澳大利亚杰出青年大?\,以及其他政府赞助的商业?\项。 Bloom 遍及全球名店,如法国连锁店 Sephora,以及其他著名店铺;在澳大利亚则可在 David Jones 和 Myer
Grace Bros 等百货公司,或是指定药房和礼品店找到。Bloom 的网页和其产品形象一样鬼马:
也许澳洲确实是动物的天堂吧,看那些鸟儿,袋鼠,考拉,都是无比的幸福,要在国内可能都成盘中餐了。可能澳洲的苍蝇也在这种环境下变得不那么警觉了,甚至 飞行技巧也有些退化,不如国内的苍蝇了。国内可要时刻堤防苍蝇拍,灭蚊灯等一些江湖暗器,活着都不容易啊!不过国内的苍蝇也有优势,随处可以找到美食去 叮,垃圾堆随处都是,餐馆里也出入自由。这里就不一样了,找个藏身之地不容易啊,好不容易找个人叮叮,还被赶来赶去,好不好还要被活活捏死,造孽啊!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
网址是,进去点击LOGIN按钮,用户名和密码分别是fangjian318@gmail.com和 123456,登陆后就可以看到一个PDF文件,The last day of 2006, in Melbourne,直接点击下载就可以了,不过千万不要删了原文件啊!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
早上起来很晚, Louis(房东4岁半的儿子)在沙发上看卡通,看我过去马上拉我做在他身边指着电视让我看,不停的说,“look,look”,可惜我完全不能分享他的乐趣。
看了一会,不知是累了还是怎么,他的目光从电视上收了回来,指着受伤的两个伤口对我说痛。我看都是些小伤口,没有什么大碍,便指着脚背上的一块疤对他说我 这里也痛。我是开玩笑的,他看了可是认真,好像我受了很大的伤害,说了句What happened to you, Jian?然后做了一件我完全意想不到的事情。
他马上从沙发上起来,趴在地上,双手捧着我的脚,轻轻地在我的伤疤上亲了一下,然后抬起头来望着我说:Do you feel better? 我真的是感动了,搂着他在他手上的伤口上也亲了两下,他很开心的笑了。