
Monday, May 29, 2006

I am listening the 失踪 from Yilian Lin, I don't know why, I liked it for a long time, listened it everyday, just the this same song, I then a forget it till now. Just like many other things, many books just read the first a couple of pages, many plans just insist one week long.
This is a serious weakness in my whole life. I must overcome it by myself. I know the beginning is the most difficult point. I at least need to read one book from the beginning to the end. Once you finished the first one, you know you can finish more.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I am sleepy now!

It's 3pm now. I am sleepy and just woke up from a nap. I haven't taken a nap on table for a very long time. I don't why, maybe I really read some literatures today and made me tired? Did I just waste so many days without any promotion?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Drive more!

I had fifth driving class today. It's stil good. But the reverse parking, speed control and mirror check are still the prblems during the rea test. Hope them can be improved soon.
I found learn driving just like anything else, first you will be very nervous and excited, you will do everything very carefully. So, you seldom make any mistakes in the first several times. You will feel very well at this time. You think it's so easy, you are so smart and cool, can take it asy.
In fact, in this kind of circomstance, you never really experienced enough practical driving emergencies on the road. It's very easy for you to make silly mistakes, and some of them are deadly.
You will accidentlly find it's the same when you look through the whole drive learning process. When you get learner permit, you don't now much about the car and road rules, so you are careful in everytime. You never got hurted or hurted anyone else. After you can hang your P plate, you just feel yourself is much higher and more handsome than before. You will smill at everybody when you are driving. You think you can definitely drive a car well. You hold the wheel jsut slighty, you don't want to reduce the speed when you are turning or going through a roundabout, you don't always look forward duing even high speed driving. You feel good, but unfurturnitely, you are absolutelly in dangers. This can explain why the probational lisence holders are more easly involved in an car accitdent. It's a bloody figure.
Once you have driven three years, even just one year with P plate, you can be much better that before. Because your kilometers are higher, you have experienced many more situations on the road, you know how to percept the harzards in front your car. Because you have wetted your back a couple of times and are still fine.
So, as to myself, I need to still pay much attention to everything during driving. I just driven the car for tens of hours. I can't expect correctllywhat gonna happen .
Keep driving and keep safe!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sunny day today!

It's very nice day today. But the new coat still makes me feel cold when I was riding in the morning. It's not windproof, just keep warm indoor.
There will be a mock presentation next week. Fitst in my life I need to speak English for twenty minutes, and everybody will listen to me, that's gonna make me loss my breath. Just calm down, speak slowly and clearly.
I am luck the weather is still not too bad, but you can not expect it will not change next everal weeks. So, I'd better get the lisence soon.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

though there are something bothering me, there were something fun happened on me. Xiaojian, Xiong and me made nice lunch today, and that's more made me happy is they were both full and could not eat much! HaHa, I don't need to cook till Wednesday. Yeah!
The dinner was also yummy, should say really excellent! That korean guy made us the king's food. That really made my tummy bigger. It's not easy for him staying in Australia. He always makes himself happy, this is so important for life.

This weekend is a vey peaceful one. I can stay in the house just myself. But I still can not just stay. I need to worry about the experiment in the lab and I need to practice driving. Thinking back the weekend I can freely stay at home, it was long time ago. I did always go to Uni on Satuaday and Sunday, and I enjoyed the days there. But in these two monthes, I have to go there and everyday is busy and full of worries. Hope this can be changed after presentation, because that's the thing makes me most inconfident.


Tonight is a shameful time for Cats. 44-146, a Historic record in the history of AFL, maybe in the VFL.
The guys seemed lost their normal way to play. They always could not tough the football in the third quarter. and the opponents did fantastic performance in the match.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The house I am living!

I am living in this house now and I am very lucky have a very nice landlady with her lovely son, Louis. Though the age of this house is nearly same as my, it gives me the warm feeling. This can decrease my homesick to minimum level.
If you have a pair of bright eyes, maybe you can find a bicycle leaning on outside the house. Yes, that's my transportation tool. But unfortunately, it's broken now and I don't think it's my fault. Probably I will not fix it, in fact, I can't. I borrowed one from a friend (Tim), I hope I won't need bike soon. Lisence is on the way!

My car!

I drove today! It's still unbelieveable to me that I have a car and hopefully will get a drive lisence soon. From I was very young, the bus always made my stomatch feel very uncomfortable and vomic nearly happened every time. So it's a so strong idea in my mind, I will not buy a car no matter how rich I will be. Car sickness made me crazy!
But it has been changed now, I am still poor, what's different is I have a car already, a 1987 Ford Meteror. So the lisence is what I need most. When you look at your car, that will make you a little bit excited, but if you suddenly realize you can not drive and it costs you insurance and registration, what will you think about it? So, keep practice and keep safe!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006

一女大学生用2元进著名外企 转贴 from http://www.cnwallstreet.com/Blog/

人事经理对她颇有好感,因她的笔试成绩最好,不过,女孩的话让经理有些失望。她说自己没工作过,惟一的经验是在学校掌管过学生会财务。找一个没有工作经验的人做财务会计不是他们的预期,经理决定收兵:“今天就到这里,如有消息我会打电话通知你。”女孩从座位上站起来,向经理点点头,从口袋里掏出两块钱双手递给经理:“不管是否录取,请都给我打个电话。”   经理从未见过这种情况,问:“你怎么知道我不给没有录用的人打电话?”“您刚才说有消息就打,那言下之意就是没录取就不打了。”  

Opera House and Harbour Bridge!

I think this is a nice angle of view to cover Harbour Bridge and Opera House in one photo. We were in ferry, and it's cheap just $5.
When you see the human miracles are getting far from you, you feel you are only one droplet in the sea, small, clean and pure.
You can forget everything are bothering you, just want to enjoy, the life, the nature.

new photos from Eater in Camberra and Sydney!

Took a photo with Opera House just as every visitor to Sydney, the role of Opera House in Sydney just like the importance of the Band in Shanghai. Everybody wants the the image with the background of Jinmao Tower, Peral Orient TV Tower and the legendized buildings.


今天看见别人的blog, 写的很是精彩,突然想起一个月前自己也雄心壮志的要写网络日记,唉!dammit! 以后要把这里当作自己的家……,(本来准备写常回家看看,可是觉得太恶!)